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Kamis, 02 April 2020

Present Participle

Nama  : Suryo Ari Sasmito

Kelas  : 4KA29

NPM  : 17116204


Present Participle

Definition Present Participle
A present participle is the –ing form of the verb (talking, inviting, cooperating). In structure question on the TOEFL can cause confusion because it can be either a part of a verb or an adjective.
            A present participle is part of the verb when if is preceded by the verb be (is, am, are, was, wew).
Present participle is a form of verb that uses “-ing” with the base of the word. Most of the times, it performs the function of an adjective, though it also works as a verb or a subject in construction. This verb form is completely regular. It is also known as a “-ing” form, and uses the auxiliary form “be” to express a progressive aspect of the tense.

Example : “...Standing
                  In the shoes of indecision, I hear them
                  Come up behind me and go on ahead of me
                  Wearing boots, on crutches, barefoot, they could never
                  Get together on any door-still or destination----“

There are two present participles in this example. The first one is “standing” that describes its respective nouns, and the second present participle is “wearing” that tells about the boots.

Example question of Present Participle :
The Present Participle As Part Of The Continouse Form Of A Verb
  1. I am working.
  2. He was singing.
  3. They have been walking.
  4. We will be staying.
  5. She would have been expecting me.

The Present Participle After Verbs Of Perception
The pattern for this usage is verb + object + present participle. There is a difference in meaning when such a sentence contains a zero infinitive rather than a participle. The infinitive refers to a complete action while the present participle refers to an ongoing action.
  1. I heard someone singing.
  2. He saw his friend walking along the road.
  3. I can smell something burning.
  4. I watched the birds flying away.

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